66 Days

I have decided to embark on a personal, habit-forming project that will span 66 days.

To help inform, track and motivate myself whilst on this journey, I have created a set of documents that I log into, everyday. I am only 1/6 of the way there as of today, July 11th, but I have decided to share it with you [HERE] in case any of you are interested.

Feel free to drop a comment/ keep in-touch if you yourself are some way through forming habits for yourself and want someone to check in on you!

Please keep in mind, these logs are raw and unedited because they were originally meant for me, and they will remain so until I decide to make it available to a larger audience. Thank you ❤

Taken May 20th and completely unrelated to my 66 Days project but uploaded to show you I am imperfect and it’s alright to be! 🙂
Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 12.47.14 am
This is what is going to greet you.

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